Mersin Cukurova Airport

Adana is placed on the important roads which link Europe to Asia.

Adana Airport is the earliest airport of Turkey, which opened to military and civil air transport in 1937. It has also opened to international flights in 1956.

Adana presents a 2000 years history for culture trippers, with Taşköprü (Stone Bridge) , Büyük Saat (The Great Clock Tower) and other historical artifacts. The city hosts Turkey’s first carnival in every April, Orange Blossom Carnival.

You can turn your course to Adana for gastronomy tours, that the city is famous for unique tastes. You can drive to natural wonder Kapıkaya Canyon with 200 meters high or enjoy hiking at evergreen forests of Adana.

WindyCar Adana office team will be pleased to join you planning your Adana trip. We’re here for you with smiling service and a young fleet, which has maximum 1 year old cars.

You can reach to our office calling +90 322 431 0001, available between 07:00 – 21:00, 7 days and serves at both domestic and international departures. We would be glad to host you at our offices that serve with %100 customer satisfaction principle.    

Mersin Cukurova Airport Rental Cars

The latest model and well-maintained rental vehicles with insurance coverage are with you at the Mersin Cukurova Airport location with the assurance of is the indispensable address for Mersin Cukurova Airport car rental services.

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Mersin Cukurova Airport
Mersin Cukurova Airport
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